More about Josefa
M y earliest memories are of noticing my environment, designing it –– then redesigning it. This pleasurable obsession started early –– everything from dollhouses made with scraps of fabric and a rug, to my teenage bedroom, my first apartment, our family’s numerous remodels, and finally on to countless projects for clients.
I love playing with shape, composition, and color, their interplay and juxtaposition. This skill serves me well and sewing was big part of it. I spent many hours designing and crafting prom dresses, linens and window coverings for my own homes. This gave me a sound knowledge of how textiles behave and how to fabricate products with them.
Fascination with tactile and experiential environments led me to pursue a degree in Architecture at the University of California, Berkeley. My sense of style was further honed by a year in Venice, Italy, at the University Institute of Architecture. Post-graduation jobs in the real world took me to architectural firms in New York and Los Angeles before I landed in San Francisco. It is here in the Bay Area that I started my business and raised our family.

I’m proud to say that my company, Josefa Buckingham Design, is in its 25th year. It is my good fortune to have excellent associates, Margie Ellis, Renée Kientz, and Natalia Gomez, to round out the team that brings my ideas for you to fruition. We continue to offer individual design solutions using these lifelong passions and talents to create spaces that are unique and fresh, yet timeless.
Every project I design has a signature ...a joyful element of pure fun!